Latest Episodes
BTS Podcast
- South Africa's Latest Rhino Horn Trade ShenanigansIn this episode, we are talking with wildlife conservationists Quyen Vu from Vietnam and Allison Thomson from South Africa.
- State of the PangolinIn this episode, we are talking with pangolin experts Dr. Chris Shepherd and Lisa Hywood about Asian and African pangolins.
- Protecting Rhinos and Creating Livelihoods in IndonesiaIn this episode, we are talking with Dr. Susie Ellis about International Rhino Foundation's work to protect Javan and Sumatran rhinos.
- Lion Policy PioneersIn this episode, we are talking with Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris Macsween about protecting African lions from lion bone trade and trophy hunting.
- China's Tiger Trade ConspiracyIn this episode, we are talking with author Judy Mills about the greatest threat to wild tigers: China's tiger farms.
- South Africa's Latest Rhino Horn Trade Shenanigans
Category Archives: Malaysia
State of the Asian Pangolin [Podcast]

Episode 31: “State of the Asian Pangolin” Guest: Dr. Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson
Posted in Asia, Illegal wildlife trade, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pangolins, Southeast Asia, TCM, Thailand, Vietnam
Tagged Asian pangolins, Chris Shepherd, illegal wildlife trade, podcast, wildlife trafficking
A Bear’s Eye View of Sun Bears

Episode 17: “A Bear’s Eye View of Sun Bears” Guest: Siew Te Wong, founder of Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson
Posted in Asia, Bears, Deforestation, Illegal wildlife trade, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, TCM
Tagged Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, BSBCC, Siew Te Wong, sun bears, world's smallest bear
A Closer Look At Slow Loris Trafficking

Episode 13: “A Closer Look At Slow Loris Trafficking” Guest: Elizabeth John, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson
Asia’s Three Rhino Species

Episode 12: “Asia’s Three Rhino Species” Guest: Kerry Crosbie, Asian Rhino Project Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson
Up Close and Personal with Sumatran Rhinos

Episode 9: “Up Close & Personal with Sumatran Rhinos” Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson
Posted in Deforestation, Illegal wildlife trade, Indonesia, Malaysia, Rhinos, Southeast Asia, TCM
Tagged Andalas, Indonesia, Malaysia, Ratu, Southeast Asia, Sumatran rhino, Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary
Laundering Wildlife in Southeast Asia

Episode 6: “Laundering Wildlife in Southeast Asia” Guest: Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia Host: Rhishja Cota-Larson